Friday, April 24, 2009

Thanks to My Friends

I have noticed a trend in my life. Most of my closest friends live far away. On occasion this makes me sad. However the roads that separate us have been taken for good reason. Life has happened to all of us. Jobs have moved us, lovers found and lost have located and relocated us, opportunities and enlightenment have driven us to exactly where we need to be. We have made new friends and add to the richness of our lives. New experiences have brought us one step closer to the people we want to be. The most long lasting friendships can endure these changes in our lives, press forward through distance and span years. I am grateful for the friendships that have touched my life. It is encouraging to know that I am truly never alone. One email, instant message, text, phone call, Facebook status or home made card will draw my strongest supporters to my side in the moments when I need it most.

To all of you that are part of my crazy life Thank You for all the anxieties you have eased with love, the angry moments you have turned into laughter, the frustrations and disappointments that you have melted away with a hug and the silly moments that have become inside jokes that I cherish. You are my angels and I love you.


Cassy said...

I just LOVE you! MUAH!!! XOXOXO PS Cant wait to see you soon!!!!!

MisterE said...


Samantha said...

I lovee you!!!!! You are MY angel friend and I couldnt be any luckier to have you in my life!!! I love you....!

Panthers OUT!

Nat said...

Oh, sweet Lovechunks! You rock! End of story.